

Geothermal power plants, deep repositories for radioactive waste and earthquake predictions require extensive knowledge of soil and material properties. Resilience and cracking of and in different materials must be determined by appropriate measurement technology. Acoustic emission analysis and ultrasonic measurements are examples of how Elsys measurement technology can be used in this environment.

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  • Elsys Schallemissionsanalyse

    Acoustic Emission Analysis

    Acoustic emission analysis uses a piezoceramic sensor to measure sound waves in the frequency range from 10 kHz to 10 MHz.
  • Elsys Ultraschall


    In ultrasonic measurements, sound is generated with the aid of piezo actuators in the frequency range between 20 kHz and 10 GHz, conducted through a medium and detected again by piezo sensor.
  • Elsys Strain-Measurements

    Strain Measurements

    The strain or deformation of materials under a certain load is measured with the help of strain gauges.
  • Elsys Structural-Health-Monitoring

    Structural Health Monitoring

    Structural health monitoring of machines or structures refers to the monitoring of the "state of health" with the help of sensor technology during the ongoing operation of the machine or during use or work on a structure.
  • Elsys Split-Hopkinson-Bar

    Split Hopkinson Bar

    Split Hopkinson Pressure Bar (SHPB) testing is one of the most versatile methods for determining dynamic mechanical properties at high strain rates.